Saturday, February 20, 2010

Super Fan

Parker has been a little bit (a lot) figity in kindergarten the past couple of weeks, so it prompted me to ask him how he behaves during the one minute of silence that Texas public schools are required to hold during the school day. Kids (and teachers) can pray, meditate, sleep, whatever--as long as they are still and quiet (or that's the intention, anyway). So, do you think that Parker can sit almost completely still and quiet for one. whole. minute?

I guess the answer is "yes," or so he says.
Apparently this is how he spends it, or so he says:

Notice how his hands are in the "double Warrior" sign--the sign that Martin Warriors hold up during the school song, game point in volleyball, or any other time that we need to show our support for our Warriors.

Parker is a Martin Warrior Super Fan.

Last fall the football team made playoffs and made a historic three-round run. We went to almost every single regular season game and the kids loved it. One of Parker's friends from kindergarten had an older brother that played on the team, Peyton loves to play with all the other coaches' kids, and after the games, the kids always went down on the field to run and play and wrestle around. I knew the kids liked the games, but I didn't realize just how much they loved the Warriors.

The second round of playoffs took us out to Abilene to played the famous Permian High School. When the Warriors took the field, our six flag runners donned huge flags with an "M" "A" "R" "T" "I" "N" on each flag.

"MARTIN!" Parker screams.

When Permian ran out on the field, their flag runners carried three flags--each of them with a big silver "P" on it.

Parker yells: "P! P! P!? That spells nothin'! HA! Permian can't even spell!"

The next week we were back in the metroplex playing against the to-be state champions, the Trinity Trojans. Unfortunately, we were behind most of the game. In the middle of the second quarter, Parker grabs his bottle of water, downs the last few swallows, and then crushes the empty bottle with his hands.
"Take that, Trinity!" he screams.

Quite the taunter, I must admit.

So I guess it's quite fitting that Parker "represent" during the moment of silence.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Rhonda, your kids are super cute. I love the stories you tell about them. I just figured out who your are...silly me. Hope all is well with you. Next time you are in Nebraska let me know, I would love to drive down to see you. I know what it's like to come "home" to see family, maybe we could have a quick cup of coffee.
Take care and update this blog again. :)
hugs, Melanie