Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pajama Day

One of the kids' favorite things about Brennan Academy, Peyton's (and, last year, Parker's) preschool, is Pajama Day. They always have it on a Friday in January and all the kids come in their pajamas and slippers, Miss Darla and Miss Tara wear their PJs, all the kids haul in their teddy bears, loveys, or whatever else they sleep with, and the kids have a GREAT day. Last year after Pajama Day, Peyton got in the car and told me that Pajama Day was so great that she needed to write Miss Tara a thank-you note. So when we brought home the monthly newsletter that said Pajama Day would be Friday, January 29, we marked it on our calendar and first counted the Fridays until PJ Day, until this week when would could finally wrap our minds around the DAYS to Pajama Day. Peyton has had all month to deliberate on what pajamas she would wear, and finally decided on the pajamas that she got for Christmas this year. She also decided to take the pillow pet that Grandma gave her for Christmas. It's great for us, too, because we don't have to mess with wardrobe selection and subsequent fits, and for some reason, combing her hair on Pajama Day is so much easier. Go figure.

We also always stop at the donut store on the way to preschool and get donuts for all of the friends for snack. Nothing like some good sugar to start the day. And then Miss Darla and Miss Tara get the kids pizza for lunch. Yum! Grease and Carbs! And they do "preschool"-ish stuff during the day, like calendar corner, but from what Miss Darla says, it's a whole lot more laughing and giggling than what usually goes on. In fact, yesterday was filled with so much fun that Peyton said, "WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO DO WORKSHEETS!"

And, she kept this voice all. night. long. When I picked her up yesterday afternoon, she was a bit tired and forlorn, but when Miss Darla rolled her eyes in exhaustion, I knew Peyton's sadness came from the knowledge that this was her last Pajama Day at Brennan Academy EVER.

Or maybe that was my sadness....

Darla gave me a heads up--Pajama Day was wild and whooly this year, with much fun had by all. By the time we got home, Peyton had caught her second wind and was wound up to say the least. After thinking that she was big and bad enough to take her Daddy "down to the ground" to picking fights with her brother to shaking her booty at the basketball game, Peyton's sugar consumption finally gave way to calm and peaceful sleep. At 11:00 last night.

But oh, what a day.

One from the 2009 archives:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Running Thing

Last Saturday J.B. Little held their first ever Rascal Round-up. Since I had been so consumed with the Jiggle Butt Run, I barely even knew this was a race-in-the-making, and although I do feel somewhat guilty that I didn't do more to support the "making" as a Parent And (not so) Active Member of the PTA, it was so much more fun participating as a runner and watching the kids do their first "real" race.

And by real, I mean Peyton didn't whine the whole way and beg to be pushed in the stroller.

Here we are before the race:

And here are the kids--Parker's classmate Ainsley, Parker, and Peyton--with their faces painted and wild in the yard after the race. Of course, those three got more exercise jumping in bounce houses and running around AFTER the race than they did DURING the race.

The kids and Patrick ran the 1K, and the thrill of it all was that Parker and Peyton got to run on the street. Who knew that would be so exciting? Patrick said that Parker and Peyton both ran the whole darn thing, and I'm really surprised.

Considering the last time Peyton went on a run with me, it consisted of walking to the street ("We'll run when we get to the park, Mom."), walking to the park ("We'll run on the way home, Mom."), swinging in the swings and playing on the playground, and then walking home ("Could you just carry me on your shoulders, Mom?"). Good times.

I ran the 10K and it was a hilly course. It took that giant hill on Arkansas, through Veterans Park, and then the back way through DWG, otherwise known as "Bobcat Road." Some more tough hills. I was lucky enough to run with Jim, who pushed me way faster than my old and sleep-deprived legs really wanted to carry me. My legs were so cursing you Sunday morning, Jim.

But the best part of the day, by far, was the raffle for door prizes during the awards ceremony. All morning a beautiful candy bouquet tempted and teased all the young runners. It was the final prize of the day, and guess who won.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Seriously, It's Been Too Long

Here's what we've been doing lately. Well, by lately, I mean, the past 3 months.

Parker (and Peyton, and Patrick) wrapped up the fall season of soccer at Upward Soccer. We loved it. Patrick served as coach, Peyton assistant coach, and Parker as the run-around-the-field-chasing-the-ball-er. Peyton could. not. stay. off. of. the. field. So we made her the unofficial "assistant coach" to appease her.

Halloween. Parker was a green M&M, Peyton was a Pink Skittle, and Presley was a candy corn. I was Super Mom (might as well pretend, right?) and Patrick was an Army Guy. We went to Denise's for a fun costume party.

The Mud Run 2009. Sabina, Marlene, Geneice, Cara and I ran as a team and it was nasty fun. Remind, me, though, please, someone, that they syphon water out of the Trinity River to fill the mud pits. That is if I ever sign up for the madness again.
Parker ran the last 100 yards or so in with our team. He even came down on the course and coached Cara and I through an obstacle. He was really proud of his Momma.Peyton, well, not so much.

Aunt Steph came for a visit. And, by the way, she thinks Peyton is "amazing." Or so Peyton tells us.Parker was the "Lucky Ted Winner" in November, which meant he brought home Ted, Mrs. Baty's Kindergarten Class Mascot, or something like that. I'm sure Ted had a great time at our house, changing clothes about six times a day, getting fought over, and going to wrestling practice. Lucky Ted.
It also meant that Parker was the "Star Student" for the week, and we had the grand opportunity to make a poster board of all things Parker.

Lucky us.

In December, Parker turned six, and we had a Bakugan Treasure Hunt Party with all his friends. The party was great. The scavenger hunt left lots to be desired. Hence the reason I am not a Kids' Birthday Party Planner by trade.
And, finally, Christmas. First a visit to Santa...

Then, the gifts...

Our toybox runneth over....

We had lots and lots of snow in Nebraska, which is why our Christmas felt a little bit, well, off. We made it to Nebraska before the big blizzard hit, but on Christmas Eve, it was snowing and blowing so bad that Kim and Greg and the kids couldn't get from Iowa to Nebraska. We traditionally go to Christmas Eve service at church, but because the pastor comes down from Hallam, the service was cancelled. Santa usually stops in at Grandma's, but since it was snowing so bad, he had to leave the toys by the back door and then get on his way. And Norm's roads were drifted shut. We spent way too many hours shovelling snow, and many many hours inside. But we did get out my Grandma's old game of touring which Steph re-taught us all to play and we had a great time.