Here is Parker--with a 101 degree fever, and bowl to catch his vomit--NOT going to Kindergarten:
So instead of celebrating his FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN, we are celebrating his FIRST SICK DAY of KINDERGARTEN. He started complaining of a headache last night around five, layed down and fell asleep, and woke up a few hours later vomitting. At first I thought he was just nervous for school, but then Parker and Pat reminded me that Parker had hit his head on his headboard when he went to bed last night. Concussion? We woke him several times through the night, and the vomitting stopped, but then woke up this morning with a fever. Ugh. Poor kid; it's just his luck. (He was sick on Christmas Day, even!) How awful it felt to call his elementary school this morning to report his absence, thus ruining his chance for perfect attendance for the ENTIRE year. Could life be any worse?
Peyton did go off to her first day of pre-school, which we obviously had not paid enough attention to, because as we were walking out the door, she said, "Now it can be MY special day of school."

I am so responsible for her second-child syndrome.
What a bummer! Parker, I hope your first day will be tomorrow. Love you
Ooh, Parker. Hate to see you so sad. Enjoy those cartoons as much as you can. Kindergarten will still be there Wednesday.
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