It's what happens when your kids go unsupervised for who knows how long...
I was out of town from Wednesday to late Saturday night. One of the things I love about Patrick is he really is a good dad, and when I'm out of town I feel secure in our childrens' well-being. Now, they do go out to eat 3/4 of the time, but I guess in the whole scheme of things, what do a few extra meals of chicken strips and french fries matter? And I don't really think that they have a standard bedtime, but what I don't know about that probably keeps our marriage in tact.
But let's get to the point here, okay?
It's late when I get home Saturday night, the kids are asleep, so all I do is sneak into their bedrooms and kiss them goodnight. Pat and I talk for about 30 minutes, and not once did he mention hair, scissors, or the combination of the two.
So before I go out to run Sunday morning, I peek in on my precious little darlings. Parker is kind of awake, so I kneel by his bed while we talk about how terribly and tragically we missed each--there's something wrong with his hair!! I see what looks at first like a shadow on his head! After closer inspection, it was no trick of lighting. It was a streak of hair stubble.
You know I began to fume. How did he do this where did he do this why did he do this and why in the heck did his father not STOP HIM FROM DOING THIS!?!
So I'm back in our bedroom in less than 3 seconds where I unkindly rattle Pat from his sweet slumber. And his response will I know not suprise many of you in the least.
How do you not know that your kid has a pair of scissors in his sister's closet and has taken several lengthy swipes off of his crown? How do you give your kid a bath that evening, wash his newly fashioned hair, and not even notice?
I wanted to scream, Is this what happens when there is no supervision?!?
Yes, yes it is. And just as I was about to denounce my husband as an incompetent father, I remembered that just a couple of weeks ago, Parker had free reign in the kitchen long enough to dump together a hideous concoction of crackers and lemonade. So I just shut my mouth and I thanked God that Parker didn't decide to make fried eggs that night.
Our kids are doomed.
Anyway, here was the damage:
So this afternoon, we went to the local Super Cuts to get a heavy-duty buzz cut. Pat says we're sending him to the Marines the day after tomorrow. Don't you love how our little soldier looks now?
Fortunately for Peyton, she was able to capitalize on her Daddy's weak moment, and she got her long-awaited haircut herself. She loves it. I love it.

I still can't believe he cut his hair! I'm sure I'll be in the same boat one day... But really, Parker's hair looks pretty cute all shaved! He's so tough:) And Peyton looks darling. She looks much older with her hair short. The purple clip today was so cute!
I think it looks great!!! Both of their haircuts. You gotta love Parker's creativity and sense of independence!!!
Gosh I miss your kids!
gotta admit they give you some great content. there could be worse things... ;)
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